Monday, June 23, 2008

Video Gaming Industry Getting Lucky?

These were the rankings for the top 5 gaming consoles of today that came from the VG Chartz. Apparently the Industry is made of a bunch of amateurs who estimate sales about the top five consoles. The PS3 being one of the most hardware adapted consoles is at the lowest of the bunch because of its high pricing. The Xbox 360, Microsoft's greatest console yet, is far behind the rest of the consoles selling only 10.99 Million. Apparently the industry has just estimated their sales using zero actual data which is not an accurate way to get stats about anything. The Nintendo DS being the top seller and a big favorite is selling for 50.1 Million according to VG Chartz. The Wii and PSP, a great and profitable handheld console, are the second and third best gaming consoles. According to info from a Gamasutra reporter, the stats on the consoles were not properly being attained but were correct so she went in to find out more about the consoles. Because of the workers being smart of course, the numbers were reasonable figures but not real figures. As I was saying the console figures were just estimates. Many believe the site is a stealer of other figures and makes them a little less reasonable. So the question is, are the VG chartz pure...or are they just getting lucky?

One thing is for sure, when the ratings for the consoles (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PSP, and Nintendo DS) came out, I was shocked at what I saw. Feel free to comment about what you thought of the figures. Were they reasonable? or crap?


Andrew Rodgers June 24, 2008 at 4:30 AM  

Yeah, anything to get me started going and getting out there, that is mine and I will add yours

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