Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Gears of War 2 Concept Art and Screenshots!

EDIT: The Screens are finally in!

Microsoft just sent out a little tidbit revealing that screenshots and the concept art for Gears of War 2 will be released today at 9 a.m. PDT.

The Gears of War 2 screens will provide insight about the new Locust Rockworm and the scenery and such of Landown. And even more, screens from the great multiplayer aspect of the Gears of War 2 will reveal maps, updated weaponry, amazing new gametypes.

There isn't much to say about a great game like Gears of War 2, but there sure is a lot to see!

The screens from the concept art and the screenshots are small for Gears of War 2, but you can go to here to see them full size.

Hope you enjoyed screenshots and concept art from Gears of War 2 provided by Microsoft!


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